Monday, December 9, 2019

Jesus is the Reason for this Season

  “For God so loved the world that he gave us his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him will not perish but have eternal life.”
-John 3: 16 

           Christmas is my favourite time of the year because you’ve got to spend time with your loved ones. It is the season of joy, peace, love and merry making. It is a special season to celebrate the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ and the reason for this season!

            Since I was a kid, I am always looking forward for the Christmas season because of food, gifts and a mini family reunion. I would always watch television while waiting for the clock to strike 12 and kiss my family a merry christmas. I would receive gifts from my titos, titas, lolo and lola and eat a delicious bowl of macaroni salad. It is my ideal Christmas eve but as I grow older, I came to realise that this season is not just all about gifts and food, it is more than that. 

            The essence of Christmas for me is remembering the birth of Jesus and feeling his love for us by sacrificing himself. When we ponder on his love for us, we should also be encouraged to share or to give love to other people and to embrace world peace. We should always be available to extend our helping hands to our brothers and sisters that are in need and to give comfort to the vulnerable ones. Christmas is a season of love and many reasons to live. 

Have a Merry Christmas and always remember God’s love for us!

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