Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Freedom of our Comfort Zone

            For this year’s celebration of Independence day, we should give honor and remember all of the heroes who fought and sacrificed their lives just to set our country free. Back in time, this is exactly the day when the Philippine flag was raised and the freedom of every Filipino against the invaders was declared. But why are there some people who doesn’t give importance to this part of our history?

            Some Filipinos from the new generation doesn’t really care about the real meaning of why we are celebrating. Rather than being grateful for our heroes, they make jokes and other funny memes to have something to upload on their social media accounts instead. I think we need to assess ourselves and to be serious sometimes because there are some matters that should not be taken as a joke. We should show them our respect because we owe them big, without these acts of courageousness maybe we are still on the hands of foreign colonizers. Therefore, we should share or express our gratitude for them through the internet or in any other ways, saying you are proud to be a Filipino and is brave enough to fight for your home.

            We should always remember them and all of the heroic acts they have done to fight for our rights. I thank our heroes for being brave and selfless. They save us because of their love for our country—our comfort zone, and I think that was beautiful!

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